About our youth services
The Etiquette Professionals offer a variety of workshops and camps. Looking for a presentation for your school or youth group on the topic of manners? The Etiquette Professionals are prepared to meet and exceed your expectations.
"Manners Matter" covers common courtesies and manners that will never embarrass! Have fun while learning do's and dont's.
Participants will learn to make introductions, eye contact and practice manners skills. Respect, bullying, table posture, and creating good and lasting impressions are all a part of this workshop for boys and girls.
Teachers! "Manners Matter" is a perfect workshop for your elementary school students.
Little girls love dressing up and sharing tea with their favorite teddy bear!
Guests will decorate placemats, play manners games and learn basic etiquette while enjoying lemonade and cookies.
Party includes hats, feather boas, and jewelry. Music and dancing will all be part of the fun.
Finally a program for young men. "Boys 2 Men" will give you the gift of confidence.
Participants will learn common courtesies and social manners for every occasion in a fun-filled, interactive workshop.
Presentation includes a take-home pamphlet to keep for future reference.

Courtesy Counts
Teens, we have just the workshop for you! Polish your skills and gain confidence with an etiquette and manners program designed with you in mind.
Participants will learn common courtesies and social skills for all occasions.
Meeting and greeting couldn't be easier. Learn dating do's and dont's. Improve your phone skills, converstions habits and personal appearance all while having fun.